Motivation? 0.

It’s gotten to that point in the year again, where, well, I have absolutely no motivation. Motivation for what? Everything, actually, not everything, just everything school related. I have no motivation to shoot for a 4.0 gpa, hell I don’t think that’s an option at the moment. I don’t even have motivation to wake up to my alarm and either one: wake up at 4:15 to go to football workouts when in the end I probably won’t end up being a starter, or two: Wake up early enough and get ready quick enough to make it to my zero hour without being tardy. I’m just trying to survive the week to make it to the weekend where I once again start my homework too late to finish and I just get further and further behind in school. It’s an endless cycle but soon enough that three month break called Summer will come.

Anyways, about that “4.0” is it bad that I am aiming to go to college at Iowa? All I hear at school is that people are pissed off because their GPA is a 3.8 and their grade is a B+ instead of an A, for what? To be accepted into college? Maybe they’re ambitious to go to an out-of-state school where their tuition will double, but I believe i’m quite content with going to the University of Iowa, my mom went there, and she turned out to be very successful in her life and it’d be a pleasure to have half the success she had. maybe I’m not good at school. I used to be, I mean I used to be involved in PACT and those advanced math classes and everything, I’ve gotten fours on the previous AP exams I’ve taken. But this year hit me like a rock, it’s funny because despite the stresses of my grades and everything, I’ve never had so much fun in my entire life, I’m surrounded by some of the best friends I could have, I’ve found my passion in show choir (and I’ve become quite obsessed with it as well), I took part in the greatest football season in Kennedy history, and I’m currently in the musical. But maybe taking three AP classes has overloaded me, and the extra curricular activities certainly aren’t helping. But i’m happy, and I believe that’s what high school should be about, the focus shouldn’t be about insanely high GPAs and 34s on the ACT, it should be about learning about yourself and enjoying the ride.

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